Tony Millman

Music Portal

A place to track the musical activities of Tony Millman

Composer, musician, songwriter, videographer, band member, interviews, live to air, stage, tours, vinyl production, graphic design, guitar, piano and drums. Original songs and sound scapes.

check "Gigs" tab above for performances

All Albums to stream or buy - -

includes Solo albums, Joint Hoppers, Stone Island, Piano Works,  Cornish Wreckers etc . Also via Spotify, Youtube etc

Bands past present and future -

"Flights" - Four instrumental rock meditations on the body and flight. Electric guitar, loops, samples, drums and keys. Noise artifacts and exaggerated stereo. Best listened to whilst floating in the bath or as an accompaniment to a long drive. 30 mins running time. 

listen or purchase album via

"Piano Works" -  by Tony Millman is an album of 9 interconnected piano pieces designed to lead the listener through a series of contemplative aural vistas. Each track is a melodic and harmonic lookout over a landscape of rising and dissolving chords and strolling and suspended cadences. This album is a soundtrack to many situations which have yet to be lived. But this album has also been designed to bring lyrical and atmospheric dimensions to all sorts of common daily human activity. The piano pieces have been carefully balanced to combine sweetness and sourness, harmony and dissonance, stimulation and meditation. They do not demand that you listen but they are not merely ambient. This album of piano works is a soundtrack to the movie of . . . you. listen or purchase album via Piano Works

"The Joint Hoppers - A Postcard From Burroughs" - The Joint Hoppers is a project by Tony Millman and Zane Simmil. This album is a version of our live songs that we perform as an electric guitar duo in surround sound with psychadelic lighting.

listen or purchase album via Joint Hoppers

Joint Hoppers video live at Sloth Bar 2022

"Cornish Wreckers - Lurid Tales Of Wrecking And Repose" - Tony Millman and a cast of many brilliant Australian collaborators Vinyl LP released finally via bandcamp and some Melbourne record stores

listen or purchase album via Cornish Wreckers 

"Cornish Wreckers" videos -

"Stone Island" - Tony Millman and Michael Plater - atmospheric electronic tracks designed to transport the listener to faraway and exotic places . . . places which maybe located in another age or on another planet.

listen or purchase album via Stone Island

"Bonnie & Clyde" - Tony Millman with Jane Cameron. Album forthcoming. Conceived as a Folk Opera.

Videos here Bonnie & Clyde including live performance footage

"Heavy Perfume" - video from forthcoming album Le Monde due 2024

"Orchids" - Tony Millman vox & guitar, William Dyson drums

"Plutotonic" - Tony Millman vox & guitar & piano, Sarah Dwyer drums

Interviews -

"Tony Millman Live To Air" solo electric guitar on Radio 3CR 2020

"Joint Hoppers" interview on 3RRR January 21st 2023 with Holly Alexander

Cornish Wreckers radio interview English public radio 2019

NEW ALBUM "FLIGHTS" - 4 Cinematic Rock Meditations.

Buy it and listen to it laying on the floor or in the bath via  B a n d c a m p

also Spotify YouTube iTunes etc . . .

Tony Millman Social Media links

Facebook message me here




Some Band Socials

Cornish Wreckers


Paul Bearer and The Coffin Makers


check Imprint menu-tab above for business details . . .